Campfire SVN and email notification

Here’s a quick way to add Subversion notification for Campfire using Tinder.

Create svn-campfire.rb with the correct username and password:

  #!/usr/local/bin/ruby  require 'rubygems'  require 'tinder'    svnlook = "/usr/local/bin/svnlook"      campfire = 'campfiresubdomain'  campfire.login '', 'password'  room = campfire.find_room_by_name('room name')  room.join    if ARGV.size > 1    revision = ARGV[1]    path = ARGV[0]    # we're using this for multiple svn repos so parse the project name from the path    project = ARGV[0].gsub("/home/user/svn/", '')        author = `#{svnlook} author -r #{revision} #{path}`    paths  = `#{svnlook} changed -r #{revision} #{path}`       log    = `#{svnlook} log -r #{revision} #{path}`    message = [log,paths].join("n").strip    url = "Changeset ##{revision} by #{author} ({project}/changeset/#{revision})"      room.speak(url)    room.paste(message)  else    room.speak(ARGV[0])  end    room.leave

Add this to your SVN post-commit hook:

  /usr/local/bin/ruby /path/to/svn-campfire.rb "$1" "$2"

Here’s a quick way to send emails to campfire. Create an email address to use for sending messages to campfire and then create mailer-campfire.rb with your domain, usernames and passwords:

  #!/usr/local/bin/ruby  require 'rubygems'  require 'action_mailer'  require 'tinder'  require 'net/pop'    # setup an email address to use for campfire  Net::POP3.delete_all("", nil, "", "password") do |m|    campfire = 'campfiresubdomain'    campfire.login '', 'password'    room = campfire.find_room_by_name('room name')    room.join      begin      message = TMail::Mail.parse(m.pop)            subject = message.subject if message.subject      sender = message.from.first if message.from      body = message.body if message.body            room.speak("I've received an email from #{sender} with the subject '#{subject}'")      room.paste(body)                    rescue Exception => e    end                  room.leave  end

Then create a cron job to fire this off every minute:

  * * * * * /usr/local/bin/ruby /home/path/to/mailer-campfire.rb

We also use it to remind us of daily standups:

  #!/usr/local/bin/ruby  require 'rubygems'  require 'tinder'    campfire = 'campfiresubdomain'  campfire.login '', 'password'  room = campfire.find_room_by_name('room name')  room.join  room.paste("Time for daily standup.nWhat did you do yesterday? What are you doing today? Any roadblocks?")      room.leave

Our cron job fires it off every weekday at 2pm.:

  0 14 * * 1-5 /usr/local/bin/ruby /home/path/to/status-campfire.rb

Next step, create a Jabber gateway for Campfire using Tinder.