Shanghai On Rails event in China

The seventh local Ruby event by the Shanghai On Rails community was held last weekend. Our senior engineer, Guoning Lv is the founder of the event and I was there speaking. Thanks to 5173, for providing the space, resources and support. Thanks to everyone who attended, friends both old and new. The passion and energy of the community members made the event a big success. The Chinese Ruby and Ruby on Rails community is growing!

All of the topics at the event were presented by Senior Engineers from professional Rails companies. The presentations were interesting and high-quality. The first topic was about JS2/JSAPI by Factual. JS2 language is a cross-browser object oriented approach to JavaScript which makes JavaScript development more fun and productive.

The second talk was titled “When ERP Fell In Love With Rails”, by Jason from Nanjing RoRedu. He shared his experience about how to manage projects, and teams in their ERP projects.

I gave my talk on NoSQL, titled NoSQL: Re-Think the World, which compared traditional RDBMs with the new storage approach of NoSQL. I also spoke about how to choose between the appropriate method for individual situations.

The final talk was Static Code Analysis For Ruby, given by Richard Huang from Ekohe. He shared his gem, rails_best_practices and talked about its implementation. This a great gem to use in refactoring projects and it is widely used by the open source community.

We had a great time at the event. Thanks again to 5173 for sponsoring the event!